Friday, 26 July 2013

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Biography

Sigh! This is precisely what happens every time the ‘university special’ trudges along Mathura road, down memory lane , enroute to its destination. The sight of a huge white building with its latest appendage – the nursery block and a fleeting glimpse of those, who from far seem tinier than what the epithet ‘Tiny tots’ might suggest, makes my heart go quiet, almost so , before the jerking bus once again throttles it into activity.

Two years out of school and I realize in full the wise words of many a senior. Life in school must be enjoyed to the fullest for once gone it never comes back. So hackneyed, yet so laden with meaning; a meaning that never was so well understood as now when school life has ended. If anything there remains a pool of memories, sweet, sour and some bitter too, that comes up from time to time as if to impress how everlasting school life is at least in the realm of consciousness if not in that of reality. These memories do much to elicit sighs whenever I witness that mammoth structure which stand for me just as much as a valuable source of friends as it does as an educational institution. To tell the truth, till date I cherish my school more for the moments of togetherness it endowed upon me and company, then for its valiant efforts (thought hopefully not entire rely in vain my case) to mould grey matter into civilized minds.

In retrospect, school life was also a major source of some valuable lessons. These lessons are not ones that may be grasped from books but lessons that are learnt from observation and repeated interaction with others on a common platform-success, failure, rise and fall all manifest themselves in ways peculiar to school life. Be it an outstanding performance in class or the ignominy of being made to stand out of class, both are to be taken in one’s stride. The up’s and down’s are an essential part of school. The understanding of this continuity then inspires constant effort. In fact after school, one’s approach to difficult situations is subconsciously structured to avoid the behavioral blunders of school life and seek inspiration from the right attitudes which in one way or another were rewarded in the years of schooling.

For me, passing out of school was in itself a great lesson in the transient nature of things. What seemed like a distant reality in school, the fact that one day I would be an ‘old boy’, now is a fructified reality. Life surely means business as time rolls from one year into another. Thus it is also an inexorable truth that college too will end, and in fact end it will soon . So even in its closing chapters, school life imparts a remarkable lesson to be learnt.

No wonder then, that there is as much awe for school as is attachment, for the rich source of the invaluable experiences that it was.
As I write this , I am seated for away, in a different country. I will, of course, try my best to be able to attend your Birthday Party. But in any case , please accept my heartfelt congratulations on you fiftieth birthday and my wishes for many happy returns. However large the physical distance between us may be, you are nonetheless very close to my heart, and I have no doubt you hold me dear in your memories, just as you do all who have walked your hallowed hall.

You are only a building ( or maybe several buildings); yet I am writing to you as a person. Some may ask if a building can have a life of its own, if it is possible for an organized pile of bricks to take on the characteristics of a living entity ? To many, the answer (outside of a Stephen King novel) is – No. However, I continue to think of you as a motherly figure, living and breathing (onto us) the fresh air of learning and knowledge. I believe it is possible for a building to become such an integral part of one’s life, with so many memories to be associated with it, that it would seem like the building is a record of that life – a photo- album, a diary. When I walk down your corridors and recall the time I raced across it with my friends; when I turn a corner and remember the trepidation with which I used to do that in the days when it meant I was to take an exam in the second room of that corridor; when I walk down some stairs and recall the time a classmate slipped and fell on them and how we all laughed……. I am merely reliving an event that you have stored in your immense walls of memory. It’s been a few years since I left your care, and some faces and names have changed. Yet your walls, though they be painted a different colour are still the same, and the records they silently keep are forever embedded within.

You are fifty now. You will become sixty, seventy, hundred and more. Years down the line, none of the faces and names I associate with you today will remain. All will change.

Yet, like the river, you will stay the same – for though men may come and men may go, you go on forever. So someday in the future, when we are celebration another milestone in your life, I hope to walk your corridors again, and although the faces that stare at me may be different, I know in my heart that nothing has really changed – for you are still you, my motherly school.

So here’s to your first fifty years. May many more fifties come and go, and may your walls be strengthened by the layers and layers of memories stored in them.

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

Dps Indian School Girl Photos Wallpapers Images Pics Collections

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