Hot High School Girl Biography
Source( know this sounds like me just trying to defend her, but try posting pics of your hottest girl. Guarantee they look way less hot in the pictures than in real life. Also she is really just the hottest junior I guess, there's a few seniors that are way better I will post when on my computer tomorrow.
When I go in to do a heavy weight, I've already lifted it in my mind. There's no doubt in my mind that the weight's comin up. If you don't believe you can lift heavy and you attempt it, you don't even have a chance."
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Feeling like the biggest stalker right now but ok.jpg
(blonde in pink bra)
And this girl probs. The standard is pretty low at my school to be honest.
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08-21-2012, 01:21 AM #7
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Prob one of these
the left one....
note there are a chit load more hot girls like these at my school just cant remember all of them
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08-21-2012, 01:48 AM #8
^Probably is. Bone32's Avatar
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